Counting Calories

Guide to Counting daily number of intake Calories:

Activating the excel image below you will find two excels.

One excels to calculate your personal need of calories – according to who you are, your data and your level of daily activity divided in four different levels.

This result will automatically be transferred to excel no 2 – the one you look at right below.

You type the number of 100 grams of the individual products you eat or drink during one day in the green colon. 300 gram = type 3

In the orange column, you type the number of calories per 100 gram as written on the package of the product.

At the end of day, you will be able to read the result of your daily intake of calories at the top of the day.

You may delete the name of different articles and replace them with the food articles more relevant to you.

Make a few tests –  find out how it works.

Register and measure your intake during a week or two and you will have a very good signal of how your balance look like.